Fat Pad Atrophy of the Foot
One of the complications of Morton’s neuroma surgery and Morton’s neuroma corticosteroid injections is Fat Pad Atrophy. What is Fat Pad Atrophy?
One of the complications of Morton’s neuroma surgery and Morton’s neuroma corticosteroid injections is Fat Pad Atrophy. What is Fat Pad Atrophy?
Many patients have come to use suffering from fat pad atrophy. In the past, we had no treatment for them. Now we have an excellent option: Lipostem. Lipostem is the painless injection of your own micronized fat into your fat pad done under ultrasound guidance.
It has been suggested that Morton’s neuroma represents an entrapment neuropathy in the tunnel formed by the Deep Transverse Metatarsal Ligament and the two metatarsals, and that during both the mid- stance and heel-off stages of walking, the interdigital nerve is pulled and compressed by the ligament.
It has taken us over 4 years to find the custom orthotic that we believe is the best. We have tried so many orthotics and so many custom orthotics and we are proud of now being able to offer our patients what we believe is the best.
Overcrowded toes can result in a variety of foot diseases and structural foot disabilities. What causes overcrowded toes? What are the problems related to overcrowded toes.
Colin, a 74-year-old avid golfer, experienced foot pain while golfing and walking with pain in the balls of both feet. He didn’t notice it so much at first, but gradually the pain in the balls of the feet while playing golf became worse over time.
Our Medical Director Janet D. Pearl, MD MSc has been awarded a 2017 Top Doctor Award.
We have started using a type of shock wave therapy for Morton’s neuroma called Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology or EPAT®. EPAT has recently been shown to be quite effective when used in Morton’s neuroma.
Morton’s neuroma surgery is so debilitating that the Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital is using an AlterG anti-gravity treadmill to help speed up recovery. We ask why have surgery and have to deal with a long complex recovery when the non-surgical alternatives are so effective?
What type of patients come to the Center for Morton’s neuroma? We see a wide range of folks from the newly diagnosed Morton’s neuroma, to the patient who has suffered with Morton’s neuroma for years to the failed Morton’s neuroma surgery.
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