2. Burning or shooting pain in the toes or ball of your foot
3. Feeling of a bulge or fullness between your toes
4. Feeling that your toes are asleep
5. Feeling like you’re walking on a wrinkled or crumpled sock
6. Cramping of the toes or a clicking feeling when you walk
7. Frequent urge to take off your shoe and massage your foot
8. Worsening pain from applying pressure or wearing shoes
9. The toes closest to the pain starting to spread
10. Curtailing your activities because of the pain, or your pain becoming worse over time
For more information about how to diagnose Morton’s neuroma Click here.
We specialize in treating Morton’s neuroma using non-surgiical ablation procedures.
We are committed to providing personalized care and unparalleled access to a complete range of products and services specifically for patients suffering from Morton’s neuroma and we can give you the correct treatment for you to ensure that you get back to your life…quickly.
Our Aim Is To Avoid Surgery. We are the only dedicated Morton’s neuroma center (that we know of) that offers a complete range of cutting edge non-surgical treatments for your Morton’s neuroma. So we tailor a treatment plan that is right for you. Our philosophy is to treat your Morton’s neuroma with the most appropriate non-surgical treatment for you. We offer a broad range of ultrasound guided procedures, which we can exhaust before recommending surgery. As a last resort, if needed, we also organize, co-ordinate and monitor your surgical treatment. However we will only recommend surgery if
non-surgical approaches have been exhausted or are inappropriate.
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By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.