Matt’s video testimonial of treated stump neuromas and post Morton’s neuroma surgery pain

Matt is from California. He had 2 Morton’s neuromas surgically removed from 1 foot before he came to see us and was virtually unable to walk when he came to see us.

At The Center for Morton’s Neuroma, Matt had Ultrasound Guided Radiofrequency Ablations and Platelet Rich Plasma infusions is now very active again.

This is his short testimonial:

To see Matt’s full video testimonial (8 min:43 sec) CLICK HERE


Matt: My pain was really really bad. I’ve had many shoulder operations and other injuries in my life, and I had never experienced nerve pain before. And it was to the point where it was debilitating. I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t wear a normal shoe. I was basically immobile for… it was actually six to eight months before I came into the clinic hoping that my injury would recover. So I was essentially immobile. I couldn’t walk normal at all, and I was in a sever amount of pain. And after a second treatment with Dr. [Pearl] it’s been about four months now. I just went to the gym. I’m running. I’m working out. I’m playing basketball I’m doing biometrics.

It’s been extraordinary the results I’ve seen with Morton’s Neuroma and I’m very very happy and grateful about it. Honestly, I have spent dozens and dozens and dozens of hours researching this, after the surgery to find a solution and I do not believe there is a place on this earth that could have helped me as much as the center for Morton’s.

Get Your Free Morton’s Neuroma Guide:

The top 10 signs you may have Morton’s neuroma and
The top 10 things to do if you think you have Morton’s neuroma

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