Morton’s Neuroma Foot Exercises


Morton’s neuroma is a mass that normally occurs between the third and fourth toes at the ball of the foot. The tissue in this area creates pressure on the nerves, which can be extremely painful. Proper support of the arch can help to alleviate this problem, as well as exercises that can reduce stress. Foot exercises and Physical Therapy can be especially useful conservative Mortons neuroma treatment options in the early stages of Morton’s neuroma.

The Importance of Foot Exercises for Morton’s Neuroma

Foot exercises may be helpful in managing early-stage Morton’s neuroma for several reasons:

  1. Muscle Strengthening: These exercises target the muscles in and around the affected region, helping in building strength and stability.
  2. Flexibility: By stretching the ligaments and muscles, exercises increase flexibility, which in turn can reduce the pressure on the affected nerve.
  3. Blood Circulation: Exercises can improve blood flow to the feet, aiding in faster healing and reducing inflammation.
  4. Pain Relief: Regular foot exercises may reduce the pain associated with Morton’s neuroma, especially when combined with other treatments.

Benefits of Morton’s Neuroma Foot Exercises

  1. Cost-effective: Foot exercises are a cost-effective way to alleviate symptoms without the need for a podiatrist or doctor consultation.
  2. Natural: They offer a non-invasive and natural method to combat the condition.
  3. Convenient: These exercises can be done anytime, anywhere, without any special equipment.
  4. Preventative: Regular foot exercises can potentially prevent Morton’s neuroma from worsening or even occurring in the first place, especially for individuals who are at risk.


Stretching the connective tissue in the foot can decrease the stress placed on your neuroma. All stretches should be held for at least 10 seconds to provide the most benefit.

To perform a Manual Plantar Fascia stretch, grasp your heel in one hand. Place your other hand under the ball of your foot and toes. Gently pull your forefoot and toes back toward your shin, creating a pull along the bottom of the foot.

The Wall Stretch also can help loosen the connective tissue. Face a wall with your feet about shoulder width apart. Put your hands on the wall at shoulder height and step back with your right foot placing it about two to three foot lengths behind the left. Keeping your heels on the floor, bend your knees and lean into the wall.

Physical Therapy help in Mortons neuroma

The Bottle Roll can both stretch the foot and reduce inflammation. Using a glass bottle, or a plastic bottle full of ice, roll the bottle back and forth along the bottom of your foot. A glass bottle is rigid, so it provides good resistance, while a bottle full of ice provides the additional benefit of decreasing inflammation through cold application.


The Towel Stretch is an assisted stretching exercise. Sit on the floor with your leg straight in front of you. Place the ball of your foot in the middle of a towel. Grasp both ends of the towel and pull your forefoot back toward your shin.


The Figure Eight exercise does not require any additional equipment. To perform this, lead with your big toe and complete a figure-eight pattern with your foot. Move your foot through the largest range of motion that you are capable of.

The Alphabet exercise also requires no equipment and can be performed anywhere. Leading with your big toe, write the alphabet in the air with your foot.

The Towel Scrunch has a couple of different options you can try. Place a towel flat on the floor. Put your foot on the end closest to you. Using your toes, pull the towel toward you. To make this more difficult, you may put a weight on the end of the towel farthest from you.

Balance Exercises

Improved balance will increase your ability to perform activity with improved bio-mechanics, or proper motion. This may decrease the stress placed on the neuroma, which creates pain.

To perform the Single Foot balance exercise, stand on one foot and balance for as long as you are able. You will want to make sure that you have a wall or counter near to help stabilize you if necessary. You may increase the difficulty by moving your opposite foot or closing your eyes. As your balance improves, you may do both at the same time. The Toe Raise exercise also has a variation you may try. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, raise up onto your toes. You may do this with your eyes closed for increased difficulty.

Incorporating Other Foot Care Practices

While foot exercises can be helpful in managing Morton’s neuroma, incorporating additional foot care practices can maximize their benefits. These include:

  • Wearing shoes with a wider toe box to reduce compression on the affected nerve.
  • Using orthotic inserts (especially ones with a metatarsal pad) that provide cushioning and support.
  • Avoiding high-heeled shoes, as they can exacerbate the condition.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight to reduce pressure on the feet.

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