Custom Made Orthotics for Morton’s Neuroma

Mortons neuroma shoes: Orthotics

Custom-made orthotics are medical devices that support and gently reposition the heel, arch, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones in the feet, enabling these structures to work together as nature intended, to make each step you take pain-free.

Unlike shoe inserts bought over the counter, custom-made orthotics are built from molds of your feet to meet your unique needs. They are only manufactured after a podiatrist has conducted a complete evaluation of your feet, ankles, and legs, so the orthotic can accommodate your unique foot structure and pathology.

Custom made orthotics are usually obtained via prescription to prevent as well as treat foot related injuries by limiting excessive pronation or supination of foot. In addition, orthotics in Morton’s neuroma treatment typically prevent the rolling in of the transverse arch of the foot that is located in the ball of the foot (the “Metatarsal Arch”) when walking. The rolling together of the bones of this arch is responsible for compression of the nerve and the subsequent pain.

Orthotics are typically made with comfortable thermoplastic materials, which are guaranteed to last for years, and can be designed to fit in dress shoes, athletic shoes, boots, and skates. Your new orthotics may take a few days (or even a couple weeks) for complete adjustment.

To find out more about our custom made orthotics CLICK HERE.

metatarsal arches

Get Your Free Morton’s Neuroma Guide:

The top 10 signs you may have Morton’s neuroma and
The top 10 things to do if you think you have Morton’s neuroma

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