High Heels Causing a Surge in Morton’s Neuroma

Reviewed by Janet D. Pearl, MD, MSc

Surge in Morton’s neuroma cases, all due to high heels!

Recent research news:

Doctors have blamed high heels for a surge in the number of women suffering from Morton’s neuroma, a condition that causes agonizing foot pain.

The number of people suffering from Morton’s neuroma has more than doubled in the past ten years, with experts blaming high heels. Four times as many women as men were admitted to hospital with the condition last year, with the largest group of sufferers being women aged between 40 and 69.

Mortons neuroma can be brought on by years of wearing high-heeled or ill-fitting shoes that push the toe bones against the nerve. High-heeled shoes over 5cm are considered particularly problematic.

high heel cause foot pain

Doesn’t this look painful? Do you think it’s a Mortons neuroma in the making?

“We have known for a long time that the condition seems to predominantly affect females of a middling age, with speculation that high heels and other such tightly fitting and unnatural footwear – despite looking fabulous, I’m sure – play a role,” said Andrew Craig, an orthopedic research fellow at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust at a recent presentation on Morton’s neuroma.

Here are some interesting facts and thoughts on the subject of high heels:

Foot pain high heels and mortons neuroma

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